Edit User

From main menu we select Users and then the category we want (e.g Business Users [BE], Students / A Class [SE], etc ).

We select Edit User and then the user we want to edit.

Alternatively we can go to menu Show all (by username) or Show all (by fullname) and choose the Edit button. (image 1)

Basic User Settings

We can edit the following fields here (image 2) :

  • Last Name, First Name, Password


We cannot edit Username : User must be deleted and recreated with a new user name.

Advanced User Settings

To change more user settings we press ENTER in this dialog and go to the next

We can do the following :

Edit User - Select by fullname Edit User Convert To Simple
image 1 - Select user image 2 - Edit User image 3 - Simple User
Edit User - Add Windows Admin Groups Change LServerAdmin execution rights Edit User Class
image 4 - Windows Admins image 5 - LSA rights image 6 - User Class (SE)

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Advanced User Rights

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