.. _Edit User: Edit User ========= .. |image1| replace:: image 1 .. _image1: ../../_static/screenshots/users-select_edit_user_by_fullname.png .. |image2| replace:: image 2 .. _image2: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_user.png .. |image3| replace:: image 3 .. _image3: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_convert_to_simple_user.png .. |image4| replace:: image 4 .. _image4: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_win_admin_groups.png .. |image5| replace:: image 5 .. _image5: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_group_lsa.png .. |image6| replace:: image 6 .. _image6: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_user_class.png From main menu we select :menuselection:`Users` and then the category we want (e.g Business Users [BE]_, Students / A Class [SE]_, etc ). We select :menuselection:`Edit User` and then the user we want to edit. Alternatively we can go to menu :menuselection:`Show all (by username)` or :menuselection:`Show all (by fullname)` and choose the **Edit** button. (|image1|_) Basic User Settings ------------------- We can edit the following fields here (|image2|_) : * **Last Name**, **First Name**, **Password** .. note:: We cannot edit **Username** : User must be deleted and recreated with a new user name. Advanced User Settings ---------------------- To change more user settings we press ENTER in this dialog and go to the next We can do the following : * Move user to :ref:`Simple Users` Group (|image3|_) or move user from Simple Users group to :ref:`Business Users or Teachers` or :ref:`Students` Group * Add user to :ref:`Windows Administrators` groups (|image4|_), in order to have **local Administrator** rights to PCs running Windows (to install software, change settings etc)[c3]_ * Change :ref:`LServerAdmin Access` rights (|image5|_). A user with **restricted execution rights** can add/edit/remove users but not change critical things like Service[c3]_ * Change user **Class** [SE]_ (|image6|_) or **Class Division** [SE]_ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{160pt}|p{160pt}|p{160pt}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 200, 200, 200 :class: center * - .. image:: ../../_static/screenshots/users-select_edit_user_by_fullname.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Edit User - Select by fullname :target: ../../_static/screenshots/users-select_edit_user_by_fullname.png - .. image:: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_user.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Edit User :target: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_user.png - .. image:: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_convert_to_simple_user.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Convert To Simple :target: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_convert_to_simple_user.png * - image 1 - Select user - image 2 - Edit User - image 3 - Simple User .. tabularcolumns:: |p{160pt}|p{160pt}|p{160pt}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 200, 200, 200 :class: center * - .. image:: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_win_admin_groups.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Edit User - Add Windows Admin Groups :target: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_win_admin_groups.png - .. image:: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_group_lsa.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Change LServerAdmin execution rights :target: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_group_lsa.png - .. image:: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_user_class.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Edit User Class :target: ../../_static/screenshots/users-edit_user_class.png * - image 4 - Windows Admins - image 5 - LSA rights - image 6 - User Class (SE) .. raw:: latex \newpage % hard pagebreak at exactly this position