Linux Client - Configure ssh server

On each client running Linux, we login as the local user we have created during the installation.

We do the following:

Start Terminal

We start the terminal as follows:

  • Gnome (Ubuntu 10.04 - lucid, Debian squeeze) : From gnome menus we start terminal by going to Applications / Utilities / Terminal. (image 1)
  • Unity (Ubuntu 12.04 - precise) : From unity search bar we type terminal and press enter.(image 2) We can drag and drop the terminal icon to the left side bar, since we will be using it a lot.
Gnome - Start terminal Unity - Start terminal
image 1 image 2

(Ubuntu Only) - Activate root account

Ubuntu by default, uses sudo to execute commands with administrative priviledges and has root user account disabled.

We will enable root user account as follows:

From a terminal we execute

sudo passwd

We type the password of the sudo user we are logged in, and then we type twice a new password for user root. [c1]


Password for the root user must be rather difficult for security reasons. If we have dual-boot clients with Windows and Linux OS, we select the same password for the root user to both Linux and Windows OS. We use the same root password on all client PCs.

Linux - Install ssh server

To install openssh server we do the following:

From a terminal we login as root [c13] and execute

apt-get update && apt-get install openssh-server

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