Add GroupΒΆ

From main menu we select Users / Edit Groups and then the group type we want to manage. [c5]

We select Create Group.

We are asked to provide the following (image 1):

  • Group Description : A very short description of the group. We should keep it short as this descriptive name will be shown in LServerAdmin menus and dialogs.
  • Group Name (latin) : A short name in lowercase latin chars for the Linux and Windows system group. This group name can be used by the OS to apply policies if needed.

For example Group Description : B1 Economics, Group Name : b1ec.

In the next dialog we select the Parent Group our group belongs to (image 2).

Let’s select B Class for example.

That’s it! Our new group has been added and we are ready to add users to it.

Add Group Info Select Parent Group
image 1 - Group Info image 2 - Parent Group

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