Starting the Application

From server graphical environment (GNOME, LXDE etc)

We login to the server as a user (e.g. teacher, or user)

We start LServerAdmin application as follows :

  • Gnome (Ubuntu 10.04 - lucid, Debian squeeze) : From gnome menu Applications ‣ System Tools and we select LServerAdmin User (image 1)
  • Unity (Ubuntu 12.04 - precise) : From unity search bar we type lserver-admin and press enter (image 2). We can drag and drop the LServerAdmin icon to the left side bar, since we will be using it a lot.

We give our password [c1] and LServerAdmin application launches on a terminal window

start LServerAdmin from gnome start LServerAdmin from unity
image 1 image 2

Using a browser


shellinabox service needs to be already installed

From any client on local network or server itself we open url http://loginserver (image 3)

We type our username and password [c1].

To execute LServerAdmin we need to be a priviledged user (teacher or user is already assigned proper rights and we can configure as many other users we want as well)

To start LServerAdmin application we type lserver-admin and press ENTER. We will be asked to provide our password again [c1]


We navigate through the application using keyboard and not mouse

start LServerAdmin from gnome
image 3

Through ssh

Since the application is running on a terminal, you can access it remotely using ssh. Just login from an ssh session as a root user or any user with priviledges to run LServerAdmin and execute


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