.. _Move PCs to LAN Group: Move PCs to PC Group ==================== .. |image1| replace:: image 1 .. _image1: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-movepcs.png .. |image2| replace:: image 2 .. _image2: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-movepcs-srcgroup.png .. |image3| replace:: image 3 .. _image3: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-movepcs-select.png Suppose we have PCs in an office or laboratory, and we want to move them somewhere else. These PCs were placed near a group of other PCs, and we have already created a **PC Group** in *LServerAdmin* to organize them. Moving the PCs to a different place, near another group of PCs, makes it logical, that we should also move them in *LServerAdmin* . We do the following: * We start LServerAdmin application as an administrator. [c16]_ * We go to menu :menuselection:`LAN --> Edit PCs - Groups --> Edit PCs --> Move PCs to Group`. (|image1|_) * We are shown a list of groups to choose the **source group** that contains the PCs we want to move. (|image2|_) * In the next dialog we choose the **PCs** we want to move. (|image3|_) * Finally we choose the **destination group** we will move the PCs to. That's it! PCs have been moved to a different group. .. note:: If italc is installed [SE]_, all configuration files are notified [c18]_ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{160pt}|p{160pt}|p{160pt}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 200, 200, 200 :class: center * - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-movepcs.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: PC Groups - Move PCs :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-movepcs.png - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-movepcs-srcgroup.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: PC Groups - Select source group :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-movepcs-srcgroup.png - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-movepcs-select.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: PC Groups - Select PCs to move :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-movepcs-select.png * - image 1 - Move PCs - image 2 - Source Group - image 3 - Select PCs .. raw:: latex \newpage % hard pagebreak at exactly this position