.. _Delete LAN Group: Delete PC Group =============== .. |image1| replace:: image 1 .. _image1: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-delete.png To delete a PC group, we do the following: * We start LServerAdmin application as an administrator. [c16]_ * We go to menu :menuselection:`LAN --> Edit PCs --> Groups --> Edit Groups --> Delete Group`. * We choose the group we want to delete. (|image1|_) .. note:: Deleting a group, does not delete PC clients belonging to this group. They will just be moved to PC Group : **No Group**. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{160pt}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 200 :class: center * - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-delete.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: PC Groups - Delete :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-groupsadmin-delete.png * - image 1 - Delete Group .. raw:: latex \newpage % hard pagebreak at exactly this position