.. _Delete client PC: Delete Client PC ================ .. |image1| replace:: image 1 .. _image1: ../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-lsa-selectdeleteclient.png We may want to remove a client PC from LServerAdmin in cases below (or other): * If we replaced a PC with another one (because of problems, or just an upgrade). * If we replaced its network card. [c17]_ * If we just removed a PC. In the 2 first cases, we will remove and then add the new client pc again to LServerAdmin. Removing a client, informs dhcp and dns services. It also removes ssh access from the server to the Operating Systems of the client. Removing a client, also deletes the corresponding record from italc users configuration files [SE]_. .. note:: Removing a client, does not remove nor uninstall, any client services or configurations made by LServerAdmin. We do the following: * We start LServerAdmin application as an administrator. [c16]_ * We go to menu **LAN / Edit PCs - Groups / Edit PCs / Delete PC** (|image1|_) * We select the client we want to delete. .. note:: Client PC does not need to be online, while removal. However if it is online, a restart is needed after removal, in order to apply network changes, especially if we want to add the client again. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{160pt}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 200 :class: center * - .. image:: ../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-lsa-selectdeleteclient.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Client PC Delete :target: ../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-lsa-selectdeleteclient.png * - image 1 : Client PC Delete .. raw:: latex \newpage % hard pagebreak at exactly this position