.. _LServerAdmin - Add Windows Client: LServerAdmin - Add Windows client ================================= .. _Add Windows OS as new Client PC to LServerAdmin: Add new Client - Windows ------------------------ .. |image1a| replace:: image 1a .. _image1a: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectaddwinclient.png .. |image1b| replace:: image 1b .. _image1b: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectnewwinclient.png .. |image1c| replace:: image 1c .. _image1c: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientinstructions.png .. |image1d| replace:: image 1d .. _image1d: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientrootpass.png .. |image1e| replace:: image 1e .. _image1e: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientselectipmac.png .. |image1f| replace:: image 1f .. _image1f: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-winxp-newwinclientviewip.png .. |image1g| replace:: image 1g .. _image1g: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientinputhostnameip.png .. note:: Following instructions concern adding a new client PC. If client PC has 2 OSs installed and has already been added to LServerAdmin with Linux ssh access, we follow instructions in paragraph :ref:`Add Windows as 2nd OS to existing Client PC to LServerAdmin` After configuring ssh to Windows clients, we are ready to proceed adding them to LServerAdmin. We do the following: * We start LServerAdmin application as an administrator. [c16]_ * We go to menu **LAN / Edit PCs - Groups / Edit PCs / Add PC - OS / Add PC - Windows OS** (|image1a|_) * We select **New PC** (|image1b|_) and then the group it belongs. If no group has been created yet, we can select **No Group**. We can always move the client to a group afterwards. * Before proceeding, We make sure ssh is configured (|image1c|_ - see :ref:`Configure ssh server - Windows XP` or :ref:`Configure ssh server - Windows 7`) * We wait until required files are fetched. * We enter password for user root, that has administrative rights to Windows client OS (|image1d|_ - see :ref:`Create a root account - Windows XP` or :ref:`Create a root account - Windows 7`) * Next we are shown a screen with client PCs that were detected on the local network. We choose the PC we want to add, based on the ip address, or network card mac address (|image1e|_). .. note:: To check ip and mac address, we login to client and go to **Start menu / Control Panel / Network Connections and Internet / Network Connections**. We double click on **Local Connection** and from **Support** tab we press **Details** button (|image1f|_). * We are asked to select a **hostname** and an **ip address** for the client PC (|image1g|_). We usually select consecutive ips (e.g. ** for *pc1*, ** for *pc2* etc..). * Client networking is restarted to get the new ip (e.g. from to * Finally client PC is renamed to the **hostname**, we selected above and OS is restarted. Adding new client PC is finished! We can now manage the client remotely to do various tasks (see :ref:`Adding Client PCs - Introduction`). We continue adding all client PCs one by one. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{160pt}|p{160pt}|p{160pt}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 200, 200, 200 :class: center * - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectaddwinclient.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Add Windows Client :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectaddwinclient.png - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectnewwinclient.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: New Windows Client :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectnewwinclient.png - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientinstructions.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: New Windows Client Instructions :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientinstructions.png * - Image 1a - Image 1b - Image 1c .. tabularcolumns:: |p{160pt}|p{160pt}|p{160pt}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 200, 200, 200 :class: center * - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientrootpass.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Enter Client PC root password :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientrootpass.png - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientselectipmac.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Select New Windows Client from ip, mac :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientselectipmac.png - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-winxp-newwinclientviewip.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Windows XP - View ip :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-winxp-newwinclientviewip.png * - Image 1d - Image 1e - Image 1f .. tabularcolumns:: |p{160pt}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 200 :class: center * - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientinputhostnameip.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Input new client hostname, mac :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-newwinclientinputhostnameip.png * - Image 1g .. _Add Windows as 2nd OS to existing Client PC to LServerAdmin: Add 2nd OS (Windows) to existing Client --------------------------------------- .. |image2a| replace:: image 2a .. _image2a: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectexistingclientforwin.png .. |image2b| replace:: image 2b .. _image2b: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectexistingclientforwinfromlist.png .. note:: Following instructions concern adding access to a 2nd OS to an existing client PC, that we have already added Linux access to LServerAdmin. If we want to add a new client PC with Windows OS, we follow instructions in paragraph :ref:`Add Windows OS as new Client PC to LServerAdmin` Suppose we have dual boot PCs running Windows and Linux, and we have already added the client PC to LServerAdmin from Linux OS. We now want to add a 2nd OS (Windows) to the existing client PC. We should have already configured ssh on Client PC. We do the following: * We start LServerAdmin application as an administrator. [c16]_ * We go to menu **LAN / Edit PCs - Groups / Edit PCs / Add PC - OS / Add PC - Windows OS** (|image2a|_) * We select **Existing Clients List** (|image2a|_) and then the client we already have added in our administration. (|image2b|_) From this point and on, we proceed with a similar way as in :ref:`Add Windows OS as new Client PC to LServerAdmin`. The only difference is that we don't have to supply a hostname and an ip, since we have already specified one when we added the client from Linux OS. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{160pt}|p{160pt}| .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 200, 200 :class: center * - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectexistingclientforwin.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Select existing client for 2nd OS - Windows :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectexistingclientforwin.png - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectexistingclientforwinfromlist.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Select existing client from list :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/local_network-lsa-selectexistingclientforwinfromlist.png * - image 2a - image 2b .. raw:: latex \newpage % hard pagebreak at exactly this position