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.. _Add Windows XP Client:

Add Windows XP Client

To be able to manage remotely a client PC, we must first setup ssh access. Before proceeding, we make sure the following requirements are met:

* **Windows XP Professional** is installed. Windows XP Home cannot join a domain.
* **Windows XP SP2 or SP3** is also installed. Windows XP SP1 is not supported.
* **Samba (Windows Network User)** is installed from LServerAdmin (see :ref:`Samba - Windows Network Users`)

The procedure of Adding a new Client PC has 2 steps:

#. :ref:`Configure ssh server - Windows XP`
#. :ref:`LServerAdmin - Add Windows Client`

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


.. lanaddwinxp/lanaddwinxpintro ..