.. _Remote Command Execution Mode: Remote Command Execution Mode ============================= .. |image1| replace:: image 1 .. _image1: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-remote_cmd_admin.png .. |image2| replace:: image 2 .. _image2: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-remote_cmd_lower_section.png The Remote Command Execution Mode divides the screen in 2 sections. (|image1|_) The *upper section* lists all client PCs running remote commands. The *lower section* shows the running command in a client PC. * To see the result of a running command in a remote client, we select the corresponding client PC with up and down arrows and then press **View** button. * To terminate the remote session on the client we are viewing, we press **Terminate** button. * To terminate all remote sessions, we press **Return** button. * By default we always handle the *upper section* with the keyboard. However, we can type also directly to the remote client console (e.g. if a dialog requests our interaction). To go to the *lower section*, we press **CTRL-A** and then **TAB**. To move back to the *upper section*, we again press **CTRL-A** and then **TAB**. .. note:: Do not terminate a session, until remote command has finished, as shown by the message : **Connection to client closed**. When remote command is finished, terminal control **returns to server**, so **be carefull** when you want to use *lower section*, not to execute a command accidentally on server. To connect again to the client PC, you may press up arrow and ENTER, when on *lower section*. (|image2|_) .. tabularcolumns:: |p{160pt}|p{160pt} .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 200, 200 :class: center * - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-remote_cmd_admin.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Remote Command Admin :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-remote_cmd_admin.png - .. image:: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-remote_cmd_lower_section.png :width: 160pt :height: 100pt :alt: Lower Section :target: ../../../_static/screenshots/el/local_network-remote_cmd_lower_section.png * - image 1 - Remote Command Admin - image 2 - Lower Section .. raw:: latex \newpage % hard pagebreak at exactly this position